
Showing posts from October, 2022

Edward Jenner

 This afternoon we have been finding out about the famous scientist Edward Jenner.  We learnt about his early experiences as a child, where he was part of an experiment in which a doctor put part of the scabs from smallpox up his nostril. This traumatic experience inspired him to become a doctor. The children learnt about how he experimented with cow pox- commonly found in milk maids to create a vaccination to cure smallpox. The Bears role played how Edward made his discovery- acting out the different stages of his journey to find a cure for smallpox. 

Representing the Christian Creation Story

  Y1 and Y2 have been learning about the Christian Creation story this half term. This week, they worked in teams to represent each part of the story.  The children have been exploring what this story means to Christians, reminding them about what God is like, and feeling grateful for the wonders of the world we live in. We thought about how this story might inspire people to be creative, or to care for the Earth and its creatures, or to study the world in order to understand it better. Many Christians see the story as a poem. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth. (Genesis 1:1) In the beginning there was no earth or sky or sea or animals.  And then God spoke in the darkness:  "Let there be light!"  And right away there was light, scattering the darkness and showing the infinite space.  "That's good!" said God.  "From now on, when it's dark it will be 'night' and when it's light, it will be 'day'." The evening ...

Repeating patterns

 This week, the Reception children have been exploring patterns. Today, we found and used resources outside to make our own repeating patterns.  We used... ... hoops and cones....      ....repeated colours ...                                                           ....and leaves and sticks.   

Forest land art

 During forest schools this afternoon, we created land art using natural materials, inspired by Andy Goldsworthy.  It was great to see the children thinking about the resources that were available and how they could adapt them for their intended outcome. The colours of the leaves blew our minds- the changes they are going through are fascinating as the season has changed.