Such a lot to celebrate

Hello Bears,

I'd like to share this link of one of my favourite children's authors, Oliver Jeffers, reading his books.

He has been reading a different book each night live at 6pm on his Instagram. Tonight he's reading a cracker called 'Stuck', which I'm sure you'll all love. The following day he puts the video up on his website, which is the link that I've shared with you.

Thanks for sending over your pictures again today. You have all been very busy again learning lots and having exciting magical experiences.

George has been busy moving sheep, putting up fences.

He's practised his phonics.

Done lots of reading.

He's also threaded a duck. What a busy day George, well done.

Connie has been very inventive, thinking of ways to include bones into her maths.

She's been playing a HF word memory game.

Doing lots more rock painting outside.

Going out for a morning walk. 


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