What a busy day!

I have thoroughly enjoyed seeing what you have been learning today. I've added some of the pictures you have sent me so take a look and comment on what the other Bears have been doing.

Even Nigel has been helping with the home learning.

Henry has been working on his phonics, maths and reading.

He reaped the rewards of a busy day yesterday making a rope swing with Elsie

and made a bug hotel in the garden.

George has been busy counting pine cones and sticks and making shapes out of them. What a great way to practise counting as well as learning about the properties of shape.

Alfie has been busy making 3D shapes,

practising his phonics

ordering numbers to 20,

helping Daddy sheer the sheep,

learning the names of 3D shapes,

and writing and drawing about what he did yesterday. What a busy day Alfie, well done.

Aside from his phonics and numbers, Ted did a still life drawing of some flowers.

He also went for a walk to high well to see if the frog spawn had changed. Another brilliant day by the sounds of it Ted, what a lucky boy.


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