
Well done for another wonderful day, Tigers and Bears! I think you're all fantastic!

Isabella and Alfie
Isabella, Alfie and Sep all enjoyed looking at the aerial photo of their farm and comparing it with the more recent Google maps print out. They also looked at the map of the farm/fields of the farm as well as spotting Taddington and Flagg.
They have also been doing lots of wonderful measuring!

Isabella has been playing some pirate music on the piano!

And Alfie has been doing some excellent pirate phonics.

Layla has also been doing some great measuring.

Look at all of the fantastic maths that Connie has been busy with!

And wonderful writing! Wow!

Ted has had a great day today. He has been so busy with his maths and phonics as well as making a pirate sword! Ted and Annie also tried out the Cosmic Yoga today. My kids love that too!

Keep up the good work and keep on logging onto our wonderful learning platforms.
Miss you all!
Mrs Chapman


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