Wicked Wednesday

Thank you for continuing to be so brilliant. Lots of great learning today, I love to see your smiley faces. 

Connie's been doing lots of measuring and jumping today, which she really enjoyed. Looks like she's doing a great job of keeping her bedroom tidy too. That is one very neatly made bed!

Alfie's done some great phonics work, pirate writing a maths. He's doing really well on the online platforms too. I can't believe you've read 2 books today Alfie, that's amazing!

Ted has learnt to ride his bike without stabilisers! What an fantastic achievement Ted. 

George has made a  treasure chest full of jewels as well as a telescope. He's also been playing the camel weighing game as well as working hard on numbots. What a busy day George, well done.

I'm so pleased you're all continuing to login to Numbots and Kids  a-z too, the points are stacking up! Keep up the great work.

I hope you all have a super evening, can't wait to hear from you tomorrow. Miss you all.

Stay safe and look after each other.

Miss F 


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