It's going to be a warm one!

Hello there you terrors!

I hope you've all had a wonderful weekend. It sounds like this week is going to be a warm one, so I hope you manage to get lots of fresh air. That padding pool is going to be a real treat Henry and Elsie. 

I've uploaded this week's work, I hope you enjoy it, can't believe it's the last week before half term already.

I love seeing the fun you're all having, it's great to see you all smiling still. From talking to you last week, I'm glad to hear you're looking after one another and enjoying spending quality time together with your families. I'm so pleased you've enjoyed the pirates topic, thank you for working so hard on it.

Here's a catch up of what you've been doing.


George has done some super guided reading, phonics and Maths work.

George spotted a cow calving earlier than it's due date and helped to calve it. I wonder what you will call it George.


Connie has written a great palace story. It sounds like it's a beautiful part Connie.

Alfie and Isabella helped fix their uncles wheel on the tractor last week. Alfie then wrote about his experience. 

The Wooleys had a very exciting weekend. They went camping in their field then walked along Lathkill Dale. Looks like you've had a whale of a time, you all look very happy.

Toasting marshmallows on the campfire.         Camp for the night.

Their fabulous den.                 Darcy trying to sneak into bed.                                                                                                       

Walking in Lathkill Dale and the mine they came across.
I hope you all have a wonderful day, looking forward to seeing what you get up to.
Stay safe and look after each other.Miss F


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