Home learning heroes

Whilst many of us are back in school, we still have some Tigers and Bears beavering away at home. 
Our home learning heroes have been doing some wonderful writing this week and it is absolutely worth celebrating/

Florence has produced a fantastic Minibeast fact-file. She also went on a virtual tour of the London Underground and then wrote about it.

Layla has done lots of wonderful writing this week, including an information piece about snails and a beautiful description, setting a scene. She has been using pictures to help her to plan her writing before getting stuck in which is a great way of ensuring writing is well thought-out.

Connie has also done some fantastic work, including an information piece about Yellowhammers, and some writing about her favourite films.

A huge well done to all of you. I'm hugely proud of all of the effort and enthusiasm you are putting into your home learning.

Mrs C


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