RE trip to church

  On Wednesday afternoon, Bears and Tigers visited church as part of their RE learning. 

Bears are currently working on the 'Incarnation' unit from Understanding Christianity and have recently been learning about Christenings and Baptisms.

Tigers are doing 'Salvation' and have been learning about the Easter story.

The wonderful Olwen (our church link) led a great session for the children, recapping these focus topics. The children had remembered their learning really well and wowed Olwen with their knowledge and understanding. 

The children then had opportunity to explore the church and look at areas, artefacts and symbols that linked with our learning.

The children said:

"We have Easter eggs because they represent new life"

"People laid palm leaves and cloaks on the floor to welcome Jesus to Jerusalem"

"Jesus came back to life. He died to give us more life"

The children spotted the crosses. One child said: "The cross represents Jesus dying to give us more life". 

The children loved looking at the font and understanding more about Christenings.

The children spotted the angels.

Some of the children found a second, older font. They commented that you could tell it is older "because the stone is worn down".


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