Wow! What an afternoon. There has been so much fantastic learning going on. We dived into our new topic- 'V.I.P.s of the past' where the children have learnt about three very important people that have impacted the world today.
Florence Nightingale
We learnt that Florence carried a lamp with her to check on the patients in the hospital she was looking after. We made lanterns to remind us that she was known as 'The lady with the lamp'.
Florence is remembered for the work she did in order to improve hospital conditions and the care patients received. The children practiced being nurses, looking after wounded soldiers that were injured during the Crimean war.
The wounded soldiers were clearly being looked after well!
Neil Armstrong
The children thoroughly enjoyed learning about the astronaut Neil Armstrong and the first landing on the moon.
They built rockets out of Lego...
They learnt about planets in the the solar system through completing jigsaws.
They made their own Neil Armstong figures using split pins.
And researched space using non-fiction books.
Pablo Picasso
The children were amazed by the incredible works of art that Picasso created at such a young age. They looked at the vast array of styles he used in his paintings throughout his life and had such fun creating their own Picasso portraits.
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