Our Week 

As part of our topic Long Ago, we have been looking at stories from the past. Bears shared the story The Tiger Who Came to Tea . As we read the story, we talked about the pictures and compared the little girl's life and her parents with our lives. In the past, people had milk delivered by the milkman, we asked if anyone have milk delivered and where do we buy our milk? Does it come in plastic cartons or glass bottles? We then looked at the picture of the little girl and her mum having tea, and discussed the different things we have for tea. When we looked at the picture of the kitchen in the story, we noticed it looked different to our kitchens, there are no kitchen machines! Bears enjoyed and shared a tea of jam sandwiches that we had made and then went to visit our café in the role play area.

In literacy, Bears have been reading the Magic Paintbrush. We looked at the picture from the book, with our talk partners thought of some captions for the picture. We read them together, sounding out and using our blending. We then found the 'special friends' diagraphs and 'red,tricky words' in the text.

We have been enjoying our outside area, despite the cold!

Making playdough.

The sand was frozen it was so cold!


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