
Showing posts from March, 2020

Brilliant Bears

Another wonderful day! I can see lots of you have been very busy today, well done. George has been working hard on Numbots, phonics, writing and gardening. Alfie's been working hard on his maths, writing and phonics and has drawn a picture of his pony Sammy.   Connie has been busy building up her muscles by kneading dough, brightening up my day with some colourful crafts, filling in her seed diary, writing and maths. I'm so pleased to see you all doing so well, keep up the hard work.  Missing you all dearly, Miss Furness

Tuesday’s groovy

Good morning Bears, how are you all doing? I hope everyone is well. Well done for all your hard work, you are doing so well. What are your plans for today? We took Margot for a small walk yesterday but she decided to jump a wall, which certainly didn’t help her poorly foot. Silly girl! I’d like to make a pecan pie today. We got a little obsessed with pie when we cycled east to west of America and often stopped mid afternoon to get some with ice cream as a snack. Pecan is my favourite, I’ve made it once before, not very successfully though so I’ll give it another whirl today. What are your favourite things to make? I’d love to see your favourite recipes. Don’t forget to share your pictures for us all to see, I’m looking forward your hearing all about your day. Stay safe and look after each other. Miss Furness

Monday's magic

Good evening my super Bears. I hope you've all had a lovely day, looking at some of the things you've achieved today has really made me happy. You are all making me so proud. It looks like a few of you have already been on Numbots and are doing really well. Keep it up, it really will help with your fluency in number. Here are a few pictures from today. After a busy weekend, building a slide, bike riding and celebrating Sep's birthday, Alfie has worked really hard today on the assigned tasks. Finding and making 3D shapes Practising his phonics.   Having a go at NumBots for the first time. Excellent Alfie!   Ted has been working hard on his phonics, find the 'oo' words in the passage. He's done some beautiful writing in his Ditty book. He's even managed to plant some vegetables. I can't wait to see how they grow. What super day of learning Ted. Bears, it looks like you're doing really well with your lea...

Hello Bears

Good morning Bears.  Did you all have a good weekend? I hope you did. I’d love to see,  you could draw me a picture and write a sentence with your favourite thing you did. We had a very quiet one, Margot has a poorly leg so she’s not been allowed on walks, just little spins in the dale. Hopefully she’ll be well enough to get out for a proper walk soon. I’ve put the week 2 home learning activities above week 1 on the website link, I hope you’ve all found it. Don’t forget to send me pictures or drop them into your folders so I can add them to the blog for everyone to see and comment. I hope you all enjoy your day, let me know how you’re enjoying NumBots. Stay safe and look after each other. Miss Furness

What's been going on?

I hope you've all had another lovely day in the sunshine. We have been incredibly lucky to have had such good weather this week. Lots of you have been in touch to let me know you have been working hard on the home learning tasks, which is fantastic, as well as being creative outdoors. Here are a few examples of the things the infants have been learning today. Ted's shapes in the garden, great stuff Ted.  George has been lots of games to help with his reading and writing and is looking forward to getting started with NumBots. I hope you have a lovely weekend everyone.  Stay safe and look after each other. Miss Furrness


Just a quick note to say that I have emailed grown ups or added letters to your online folder with details of your username and password for NumBots. It's part of TTRockstars group and will help with fluency and recall of numbers. It's good fun so I'm sure you'll all enjoying playing. Enjoy! Miss F

Hello Bears

Wow! I can’t believe we’re nearly at the end of our first week of home learning. Well done for all your hard work, you really are showing tremendous resilience during this unusual time, I’m truly amazed. Thank you for keeping in touch this week, it always puts a massive grin on my face seeing what you’ve been doing. A few of you have been watching frog spawn, I wonder what changes there will be today? Keep me updated. I used to have an old cow trough in my garden when I was growing up, which turned into a sort of pond. During the spring my brother and I loved checking frog spawn and tadpoles, I found it fascinating. I can still remember that one year we counted 19 tadpoles. Many of you have been helping out on the farm, particularly with lambing. I imagine you are being a big help during a very tiring time for grown ups. Don’t forget to send pictures that I can share with the class. Perhaps you could incorporate some maths into your day e.g. 4 lambs were born yesterday, 6 were bo...

Busy bees

Thanks again for sharing what you have been doing. Lots of you have been completing the home learning challenges as well as learning through exploration and play. Here is what the Infants have been doing today. Connie has been doing lots of phonics as well and planting seeds with Layla and drawing a detailed picture of a hamster. I wonder what they are growing? Alfie has been making large scale shapes out of peices of wood as well as using sheep corn. Alfie's also been riding Jack today. What lucky boys. Isabella has been continuing with her daily riding lessons as well as all her home learning challenges. Sol has been re-telling stories using props. He's been practising his moves on the trampoline. I love this. He's even been learning some sign language with Leah. What a brilliant idea, well done Sol and Leah. What a varied selection of learning today. I am so proud of you all, keep going, you are all fantastic...

Another glorious day

Good morning Bears,  I hope you are all itching to get going today. I have loved receiving your messages and pictures over the last few days, keep those coming. I’ve particularly enjoyed seeing all the outdoor learning you’ve been doing. I wonder what you have planned today? Did anyone tune in to see Oliver Jeffers reading ‘Stuck’ last night? I found it hilarious. Don’t worry if not, they are all on his website to watch again. This evening, I’m planning to go for a bike ride. I’m very excited because it’s been a few weeks and the weather is glorious, so that’s something to look forward to. Margot says hello by the way. This is her favourite position, looking out the window at people passing. Stay safe and look after each other. Miss Furness

Such a lot to celebrate

Hello Bears, I'd like to share this link of one of my favourite children's authors, Oliver Jeffers, reading his books. He has been reading a different book each night live at 6pm on his Instagram. Tonight he's reading a cracker called 'Stuck', which I'm sure you'll all love. The following day he puts the video up on his website, which is the link that I've shared with you. Thanks for sending over your pictures again today. You have all been very busy again learning lots and having exciting magical experiences. George has been busy moving sheep, putting up fences. He's practised his phonics. Done lots of reading. He's also threaded a duck. What a busy day George, well done. Connie has been very inventive, thinking of ways to include bones into her maths. She's been playing a HF word memory game. Doing lots more rock painting outside. Going out for...

Have a Beary good day

Good morning lovely Bears. I hope you are all ok and are looking forward to getting stuck into some more learning today, you really impressed me with what you achieved yesterday. Don’t forget that Joe is doing P.E at 9am for you all to join in with at home. It’s really important that we stay active and get plenty of fresh air. What a blessing that we are surrounded by such beautiful countryside. I’m missing you all and look forward to us being together again soon. Look after each other and stay safe. Miss Furness

What a busy day!

I have thoroughly enjoyed seeing what you have been learning today. I've added some of the pictures you have sent me so take a look and comment on what the other Bears have been doing. Even Nigel has been helping with the home learning. Henry has been working on his phonics, maths and reading. He reaped the rewards of a busy day yesterday making a rope swing with Elsie and made a bug hotel in the garden. George has been busy counting pine cones and sticks and making shapes out of them. What a great way to practise counting as well as learning about the properties of shape. Alfie has been busy making 3D shapes, practising his phonics ordering numbers to 20, helping Daddy sheer the sheep, learning the names of 3D shapes, and writing and drawing about what he did yesterday. What a busy day Alfie, well done. Aside from his phonics and numbers, Ted did a still life drawing of some flowers. He also went for ...